

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Selected and concise advices / sayings of
Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh)


‘The sooner you connect yourself to Allah Ta’ala and  Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi waSallam),  the sooner you get on ‘track’, then the first thing Allah Ta’ala blesses you with is peace of mind and satisfaction.’


‘The brake of the remembrance of death restrains the vehicle of life from the accidents of sin.’


‘If you want peace, if you want contentment and if you want tranquility, then chalk out this goal in  life : Make ONE ALLAH happy. …What a beautiful religion Islam is!’


‘If the heart has “rust”, then bring the “t” back : Trust in Allah Ta’ala, “Turn” to Allah Ta’ala, make sincere “Taubah” to Allah Ta’ala.’


‘Where you don’t find Allah Ta’ala*, DISTANCE YOURSELF.’

* i.e. His Pleasure


‘Do for Allah’s Pleasure,
Allah will give you from His Treasure…’


‘I always say don’t court before marriage. Most couples court, court and court, and after marriage, they end up in divorce courts.’


‘I often say : We get instant tea, and instant coffee, and instant pudding and instant cereal, and so many other things have become ‘instant’. …We are living in such a time, when death too has become just as instant. We don’t know where, when and how.’


‘When giving a talk in Bolton (UK), I mentioned that the name of their suburb tendered noble advice:
That we place a bolt on the doors of our hearts – to shut nafs and shaytaan out of our hearts, and to protect the treasure of Allah Ta’ala in our hearts.


‘Ghaflat (negligence/heedlessness) is the HEN which lays the EGGS of all other sins. This is what happens when we become negligent and forgetful of Allah Ta’ala, of Aakhirah and of Accountability: We get caught up in sins.’


‘Empty the heart and receive Allah.’


For the Aarif of Allah, his concern at every step is: ‘Is my Allah pleased with this step?’
When he speaks: ‘Is my Allah pleased with this speech?’
On his every action: ‘Is my Allah pleased with this action?’


Irrespective of what the demand of the nafs may be, the Muslim looks at the Command of His Allah.
The Muslim does not look at the demand of the nafs, He looks at the Command of His Rabb, Allah Ta’ala, and he willingly and happily accepts, complies and acts in accordance with what pleases his Beloved Allah Ta’ala.


The gist and essence of Tasawwuf is the Pleasure of Allah.


Abstinence from sins is Fardh (compulsory) at all times.


There is Perfection in Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi waSallam) and the Sahabah (Radhiyallahu ‘Anhum) were a Reflection of Nabi (Sallallaahu alayhi waSallam).


One’s akhlaaq (character) is an indication of one’s nisbat (connection) with Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi waSallam).


Wherever you go, you must have the Niyyah (intention) to convey this beautiful Deen to others.


Our teeth have gone ‘blunt’ in chewing the Divine Bounty of food, but Shukr (gratitude) does not come to our lips.


When we come into this world, people are happy and joyous, whilst we are crying. We should lead our lives in such a manner that when we leave this world, we are happy and joyous, and people are crying.


The ‘ruh’ of Ilm is Aml, and the ‘ruh’ of Aml is Ikhlaas, and the ‘ruh’ of Ikhlaas is not to even think that you are mukhlis.

Ruh : soul
Ilm : knowledge
Aml : Practice
Ikhlaas : Sincerity
Mukhlis : sincere


Life cannot become boring when we establish contact with the One who gives Happiness…


Say good-bye to that friendship which distances us from Allah Ta’ala.


The progress of a person depends on righteous deeds and not just on duas. We will have to do something ourselves. Actions have to accompany our duas.


The whole world can cry for us, but we have to cry over our sins.


Happiness lies in restraining oneself from Haraam.


Do not become relaxed when the nafs becomes obedient.


In nasihah (advice), do not look at who is giving the advice; rather look at the advice. Sometimes the one who is advising is a child or a person with no standing in society, but the advice is to be appreciated because it offers benefit.


When we see “qaamat”, we forget our istiqaamat and we forget Qiyaamat.

‘qaamat’ : physical appearance
‘istiqaamat’ : steadfastness
‘Qiyaamat’ : Day of Resurrection and accountability


The Beauty of Islam is that the rich person does not have to become poor to become a Wali of Allah Ta’ala, and the poor person does not have to become rich to become a Wali.


Whoever places his trust in Allah Ta’ala, will find no betrayal.


A sincere lover of Allah Ta’ala is not satisfied with the slightest of sins.


If our hearts are in a spiritually health state, we will be able to sense the displeasure of Allah Ta’ala. There is an ON/OFF switch in the heart. On good deeds, there is light (noor) and on evil deeds, there is darkness (zulmat)


Intelligence can be very misleading if not guided by Qur`aan and Hadeeth.


If it is Fardh to break your Salaah, which is your communication with Allah Ta’ala, in order to save  the life of a Muslim who is going to die one day, then how much more important it is to curtail everything futile and channel that energy into saving others from Jahannum?


The Shaykh-e-Kaamil looks at khuloos and not fuloos.

*khuloos : sincerity
*fuloos: money


Ilm, without khashiyat is not recognized by Allah Ta’ala.

*Ilm :  knowledge
*khashiyat: fear / awe


In the circus, lions are subjected to the commands of man. They are trained to obey.
Similarly, we have to subject nafs to the Commandments of Allah Ta’ala.
We have to train the lion of nafs to obey Allah Ta’ala
and Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam).


To cover up our sins, we allow our children to do as they please.


When it comes to demanding a dress or money or some toy, a child begins to cry and insist:
“I must have it! I must have it!”

Learn from that child. Insist : “O Allah, I must have Your Love.”


There is no Barakah, in fact, fear of harm in going against the Shaykh's advice.


Ilm cannot be of help without aml, and aml cannot be of help without Ikhlaas.

Unfortunately, we cannot build up our Ikhlaas because we have Makhlooq (creation) before us.


As much as our Nisbat with the Akhlaaq of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam), so will our value be in the sight of Allah Ta’ala.

Allah Ta’ala will give honour, respect and dignity.


The medication for the ailments of the spiritual heart is found with the Ahlullah.


Always make Dua that the Ilm that you acquire becomes beneficial. Just increase in Knowledge is the goal of most people these days.


Our belief in the supremacy of the Sunnah and Shari’ah should not be dependent
on scientific proofs.


There is no place of safety except in the obedience of Allah.


We should attend and listen to the talks of the Mashaa’ik and Ulama
with the Niyyah (intention) of ‘Amal’, of practising; otherwise even a Deeni Majlis will
just be a kind of entertainment or pastime.


Trust is such a delicate and fragile commodity, that when it is lost, it is very, very difficult to recover and when ‘broken’, then sometimes impossible to restore.


Think before you say or do anything.
A little thinking can protect from a lot of regret.


Plug the heart to the Qur'aan Sharief! Start reading, start understanding,  start practising and start propagating its beautiful message.


True beauty is in Ilm (knowledge of Dien) and Adab (etiquette).


Hasad is a cause of a lot of mischief; a cause of lies and a cause of defaming others. It also results in many other spiritual ailments and destroys good deeds. The Haasid (one who is jealous) moves in the direction of Jahannum.


Ghaflat (negligence / heedlessness) deadens the nerves of spirituality!


Like an elevator that goes up and comes down; Imaan goes up with good deeds and it comes down with sins. Whilst an elevator can only reach a certain level, there is no limit to the stages of Imaan.