Saturday, 12 May 2012

Gems 11 - 15

Bismihi Ta’ala

Selected and concise advices / sayings of Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh)


Empty the heart and receive Allah.’


For the Aarif of Allah, his concern at every step is: ‘Is my Allah pleased with this step?’
When he speaks: ‘Is my Allah pleased with this speech?’
On his every action: ‘Is my Allah pleased with this action?’


Irrespective of what the demand of the nafs may be, the Muslim looks at the Command of His Allah.
The Muslim does not look at the demand of the nafs, He looks at the Command of His Rabb, Allah Ta’ala, and he willingly and happily accepts, complies and acts in accordance with what pleases his Beloved Allah Ta’ala.

          The gist and essence of Tasawwuf  is the Pleasure of Allah.


Abstinence from sins is Fardh (compulsory) at all times.