Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
All Branch offices have a connection with the
Head Office. In a similar vein, all the branch offices of sins have
their connection with the Head Office of Jahannum.
The Fire of Jahannum is the Head Office, and
the areas and deeds of disobedience are the Branch Offices. Allah Ta’ala
inflicts some of that fire which is burning in Hell into the heart and life of
a person, in this world, when he indulges in sins. Restlessness and misery
burns the heart to such a degree that the likeness is that of those who will
enter Jahannum.
Allah Ta’ala describes this condition :
“... Who will enter the great fire in which
he will then neither die nor live (a life of comfort).”
[Surah Al-A’la : 12/13]
Similarly, the branch
offices of good deeds have their connection with the Head Office of Jannah.
person who engages in good deeds will experience within his heart and life,
a beautiful, fresh garden.
a beautiful, fresh garden.