Friday, 4 April 2014

Prescription 1 : Concentration in Salaah

Bismihi Ta'ala

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Bringing Concentration in Salaah

A Prescription
by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb
(Rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

A common complaint of many who seek reformation, is their lack of concentration in Salaah, and finding themselves wanting in the spirit of Salaah. They write or ask for some prescription to bring in that spirit and that love of Allah Ta’ala through Salaah.

The following guide lines will, Insha-Allah, assist in improving the quality of one’s Salaah:

  • Men should try and reach the Masjid before the Azaan, so that they may with etiquette and ease, read the Sunnah Salaah – and this should take them about 5 minutes.

  • In the remaining few minutes before the Fardh, make Istighfaar, Taubah, or Zikrullah, or think of the Aakhirah (the Hereafter) and accountability and presentation of one’s deeds in the Court of Allah Ta’ala. Reflect over one’s life: What if my death has to come now?
…Try and cut off from the business and worldly activities as much as possible through this little meditation and Zikr.

Now comes the Fardh Salaah : Insha-Allah, by this time, much of one’s heart will be in that Salaah. Insha-Allah, with a little effort and perseverance, there will be full attention and concentration. 

  • Ladies should try and read Salaah in its early time, thus giving themselves the opportunity of making preparation for Salaah, without any haste. They too should make a little zikr before commencing with Salaah, to get into the right frame of mind.
Moreover, if we give priority status to fulfilling the Rights of Allah Ta’ala, then He will assist us in fulfilling our tasks. He will grant Barakah in time so that our undertakings are completed, Insha-Allah.

  • Condition the mind; address yourself – I am standing before the King of Kings. SubhanAllah. …I have been chosen, from millions, to converse with ‘Rabbul ‘Aalameen’ and I am being afforded the greatest honour and privilege (above millions of others), to make sujood to Allah Ta’ala… to be nearest to Allah Ta’ala[…If we could truly fathom the greatness of the gift, this ultimate honour, this good fortune – we would never want to leave the position of sujood.]

  • And whilst reading the Qur`aan Sharif in Salaah (and even outside Salaah) then think: This is the Kalaam  (speech) of my Allah – of my Beloved. By contemplating the meaning of the verses that you are reading, think : I am listening to the speech of Allah Ta’ala.
And since you are reading His Speech, He is also listening to you …  Therefore learn the meaning of the Surahs we normally recite in Salaah. It will not take long to do so, if a little is learnt every day.

  • And think: In this Salaah, in this Tilawat, in this Zikr, in this Hamd – I have the special attention of Allah Ta’ala. I have exclusive attention because this is my ‘Me`raj’; this is my conversation and communication with the Master of the Worlds. 

...What a compounded bounty – SubhanAllah: So many gifts in the gift packaged as Salaah. How can any sane thinking Muslim ever refuse such a gift?

In contemplating this, we will experience the beauty and sweetness and pleasure of Salaah … we will understand the Hadith in which Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi waSallam) says that the coolness of his eyes is in Salaah. May Allah Ta’ala grant us the reality.

Download and listen to the talk “Guaranteed Success” –
Majlis (27 – 03 – 2006 ) which is an elaboration of the above prescription.