Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
There are those students who
have great ambition and high aspirations for worldly success. We find that they
will exert themselves in their efforts to secure excellent results in their
To obtain as many A’s or
distinctions, diligence and hard work become the order of the day. They ‘burn
the midnight oil’ – for what? For success in this worldly life.
If this is the one-tracked, single-minded effort for worldly success,
what of the Muslim’s efforts to secure the success of the Hereafter?
What of the many A’s that a
Muslim should make every effort to obtain for success in the Hereafter: The A for Akhlaaq, the A for Aashiq[1]
of Allah Ta’ala, the A for “Amal[2]”,
the A for “Aabid[3]”,
the A for “Aarif[4]”?
Why do these As not feature in
the lives of the majority?
So many are very successful in
their Matric examinations, but for many there is no A for Akhlaaq, no ‘A’ for
Amal and other noble characteristics of the Muslim.
The Muslim’s view of Success is
the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala and Nabi (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam). In the examination of this
worldly life, it is their pleasure which secures an A+.
Otherwise, a person is as good
as obtaining a ‘Z’.
[1] Aashiq : Lover of Allah
[2] Amal : action
[3] Aabid : worshipper
[4] Aarif : One who has
recognition of Allah Ta’ala